Thursday, September 27, 2012

YouTube Spotlight: BOH3M3


     Over the next few months I will be covering some YouTube vloggers that stand out to me. My first spotlight will focus on one of my favourite vloggers from 2006. Boh3m3 (pronounced Bow-Heem) or Ben Going was one of the pioneers of modern YouTube vlogging. He used quick cut techniques in his videos way before it was an overused cliche. About 95% of his videos are in black and white which keeps the theme of his channel consistent. 

       His first video submission on YouTube was intended to be an audition for Jackass but was rejected. Afterwards Ben transformed his channel into a video log of his life. An intimate look into the mind of a man who wanted to be a professional Jackass. I've followed his channel for a couple of years up until his hiatus and every video post has drawn me into his personality and story no matter how amateur they appeared.

       My favourite videos were his Dear Table ___ posts. These were rantings about his experiences as a waiter and some of his most frustrating customers. A good example of how vlogging is an effective way to vent and share your experiences with like minded people. I would highly recommend taking a look at some of his videos even if they are 3 or 5 years old. It's truly amazing to see the state of YouTube at the time. The early years of the site really brought innovation to the blogging scene.

(Source: BOH3M3)

       Stay tuned to my blog for more YouTube highlights. Mahalo. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Digital Story Telling Blog Post #1

     The summer of 2012 had a great movie line up. I'm a big fan of the Marvel comic book movies of the last decade so it's no surprise that The Avengers was a big part of my summer break. In my opinion Joss Whedon successfully incorporated the protagonists from Iron Man, Captain America & Thor into one smooth flowing storyline that was entertaining and easy to follow.

     The Avengers is a fantastic movie and each character has been developed beforehand in their previous movies. The characters continue to develop in the Avengers movie as well and they all get an equal amount of screen time. I believe all the movies looked at together as one film creates the sense of an expansive storyline that continues beyond the ending credits.

     The interaction between the actors may be seen as cheesy but if you look beyond that and get yourself in the mood to be sucked into the action there is plenty of it in this movie. Each actor has grown into their role through their respective films so you are likely to flinch at the sound of Thor's war cries or feel an overwhelming sense of patriotism when you see Captain America save a group of citizens from harm. The Iron Man, Captain America and Thor movies are where you will see the characters transform into the heroes you see in The Avengers. Each connecting movie contains a conflict and a climax but more so for those individual characters. The Avengers presents an even more epic conflict for the characters as a whole and that is where the relationship between the heroes really begins. 

     If you haven't seen The Avengers I highly recommend you do. To get the most out of this film I suggest you watch Iron Man 1 & 2, Thor, and Captain America beforehand.

Enjoy this trailer!